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Get Editorial Playlist Listens





10 USD


55 USD


35 USD


- Here's why you should consider our service:


- Exclusive access: Thanks to our innovative method, we have direct access to Spotify's editorial playlists. We can direct users who listen to these playlists to your music, offering you the opportunity to gain streams from a wide and engaged audience.


- Enhanced visibility: Streams from Spotify's editorial playlists will enhance the visibility of your music on the platform. This could attract the attention of new fans, potential collaborators, and industry professionals, opening doors to further opportunities for success. We are passionate about supporting artists like you in achieving your musical goals. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow your music and reach new heights on Spotify!


After placing your order, send the link of the editorial playlist you want to get views from and the link of your song to along with the e-mail you ordered.


We use "Iyzico" to process your orders reliably

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